How it works

If you provide us with the customer's country of delivery for each credit card transaction, we can check this against the credit card's country of origin. If this check does not match, the payment can be rejected directly.

Alternatively, Paygate can process the transaction and notify you of a discrepancy by email.


Please note here that the parameter ZONE with the respective country of delivery must also be transmitted by the store to Paygate.


Positive list o. Negative list

In addition, it is possible to store a fixed country list in our systems for you. Thus, no additional data must be transferred to Paygate and there is no separate programming effort. Here, too, the payment can either be rejected directly or Paygate informs you of the discrepancy via e-mail.


If you only want to exclude a few countries, a negative list can be used. If you only want to allow certain countries, we recommend a positive list. In both cases Paygate can reject payments directly or inform you via e-mail.

You can find more information in our online documentation.

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