Can I prefill the Computop form with card data?


If the of the pseudo card number functionality is activated, you can pre-populate the credit card form for your customers with the previously used card. A pseudo card number is generated during the first transaction and returned to your shop system. Unlike real card numbers, you can store this token without the need for additional certification.
The pseudo card number can then be transmitted to the form for future transactions.


Requirements for use

- The "pseudo card number" product is active on your MerchantID
- You use a Computop template that supports this function. Currently it is "ct_responsive" and "ct_cards_v1".
- The prefill function must be activated by our Merchant Services. The function has no influence on other processes, therefore the activation can be done at any time
- You must not pass the credentialOnFile parameter in the payment call. Paygate takes care of the correct flagging in the direction of the bank itself - depending on the setting of the checkbox.


Example Checkbox

Procedure for first purchase

- If the customer agrees to save for future purchases and activates the checkbox, you will receive the additional parameter "prefill=on" in the payment notification following a transaction.
- In the card response object, find the pseudo card number, card brand, the expiry date and the cardholder name previously entered by the customer. Store these values on the customer's record
- The key-value pairs also contain the SchemeReferenceID, which must also be saved during registration.

Example response


Example card object (response)

"cardholderName": "Jane Doe",
"number": "0949128693311459",
"expiryDate": "202502",
"bin": {
"accountBIN": "523212"
}, "brand": "MasterCard",
"product": "",
"source": "CREDIT",
"type": "STANDARD",
"country": {
"countryName": "Germany",
"countryA2": "DE",
"countryA3": "DEU",
"countryNumber": "276"

Procedure for further purchases

- In the encoded part of the call, insert the card request object in base64 encoding. It should also contain the pseudo card number, the card brand, the expiry date and the cardholder name.
- Always enter the initially received SchemeReferenceID as a parameter of the Key-Value-Pairs with
- The form is now pre-populated

Example pre-population


Frequently asked questions

Why should I stop submitting the credentialOnFile object with this function?
Normally, for a prefill function, you would need to pass that it is a client-initiated initial transaction (CIT; initial=true). However, at this point you cannot yet know whether the customer will choose to store the card data or whether only a one-time purchase will take place that does not fall under the Credential On File agreements of the card brands.
Therefore, Paygate always takes over the correct identification.
Background: With "CIT; initial=true", customers must always carry out authentication with their bank; with one-time transactions, the bank decides whether authentication is required on the basis of the calculated risk.

Can I also use the Computop Scheme Token Service together with this prefill function?
Yes, provided the pseudo card number function is active on your MerchantID, Computop can use so-called Scheme Tokens in communication with acquirers, which can bring some advantages.

Which flagging does Paygate use for Credential on File?

- During registration (customer activates the checkbox): CIT; initial=true
- On a one-off purchase (customer leaves the checkbox inactive): No Credential On File flagging
- For a pre-populated purchase: CIT; initial=false

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