What is the meaning of the "timeout" transaction status?


The timeout error message occurs when a customer remains inactive for too long during the payment process. This can happen with all types of payments where the customer is redirected to an external provider, such as credit card payments with 3DS procedures. The exact moment of the timeout depends on the respective type of payment.


The timeout error message is triggered when the customer does not complete the payment process in a timely manner. For instance, this can happen if the customer is prompted for authentication during the 3DS procedure but does not continue the process because they do not have the password at hand or the 3DS procedure is not yet activated. After a certain period (for example, ten minutes for credit card payments), the transmission is automatically aborted. Subsequently, a notification is sent to the merchant marked "Timeout".

It's important to note that the timeout error message does not indicate an error in the communication of the involved systems, but rather a planned process for terminating incomplete transaction processes.


To avoid the timeout error message, customers should be encouraged to complete the payment process promptly. If a customer is prompted to authenticate during the payment process, they should do so as quickly as possible to avoid a timeout.

If a customer has problems with the 3DS procedure, for example, because they do not have the password at hand or the procedure is not yet activated, they should contact their bank to resolve the issue.

Merchants should be prepared for timeouts and implement appropriate processes to deal with these situations. This could include the automatic cancellation of orders in the event of a timeout or the ability for customers to continue the payment process at a later time.

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