What we require
To set up the Extended Transaction Management for you, please provide us with the following configuration data:
Extension of authorization
Depending on the acquirer the reservation periods vary. In case a capture can or shall not be performed within the reservation period, with this option a new authorization will be performed automatically and the preceding authorization will be cancelled.
- Extend authorization after _____ days (mainly between 6-13 days)
Stop authorization extension
Authorization extensions will be stopped automatically after 180 days. This period (in days) can be randomly adapted downwards.
- Stop authorization extension after _____ days (mainly between 30-90 days)
Divide authorization (after partial capture)
This option allows a new authorization of the remaining amount after partial capture. Without this option the remaining amount expires and cannot be captured any more.
- Please let us know if you wish to have this option: YES / NO
Notification after failure
In case an authorization extension or partial authorization fails, we will inform you immediately. You can determine how you wish you to be informed - via email or via batch-file:
- email: You will be informed about the failure per email
- Batch: We will provide you your files on your Computop FTP-Account (file name:FyyyymmddMerchantID.dat).
Please send us the necessary information by email to helpdesk@computop.com.
We will inform you once the setup has been completed.
What you require
Um das erweiterte Transaktionsmanagement für Sie abwickeln zu können, ist es erforderlich, dass Sie einige wichtige Punkte beachten.
NOTE: The functionaliy of the ETM can only be tested in the production environment. Computop provides no "Live Cards" for this testing process. Please keep in mind that the ETM functionality can not be tested with the Computop "OrderDesc-Simulation"! |
If an existing reservation is not captured within the requested interval, we will cancel the existing and create a new reservation. Please note that re-authorizations can fail. If this happens the automatic renewal is stopped.
We will inform you about failed re-authorizations either via email or by providing a F-file on your sFTP account. These files contain a listing of all transactions for which a renewal was not performed.
F-File filename description:
F-File structure:
CC,Splitting,Amount,Currency,TransID,Referencenumber,PayID,Status,Error code,Description
CC,Renewal,Amount,Currency,TransID,Referencenumber,PayID,Status,Error code,Description
All successful renewals include the TransID of the initial transaction. In order to see all transactions for one order/TransID you may search for the TransID in our Backoffice Computop Analytics.
Partial Captures
Please keep in mind that it is only possible to submit 1 partial capture per day. The remaining amount of the authorization is renewed overnight to allow a new capture on the next day.
If you require multiple captures per day, please contact us at helpdesk@computop.com. We can activate the ‚realtime‘ function for you. In the case of a real-time renewal, a delay of 5 minutes must be observed before another capture is made. The reason for this is that Paygate starts the renewal process 3 minutes after the partial capture.
Please note that when the realtime option is used, the notification of an eventual failure of the authorisation can only be sent via email.
All successful renewals include the TransID / RefNr of the initial transaction.
Note: Please note, that you can not process multiple captures per day between 01.30 and 04.00 a.m. CET.
Renewals performed by Paygate
Computop renews reservations (also after partial captures) for a maximum of 180 days unless you stop the renewal. The max. time frame can be adjusted to your needs.
Stop renewal
You may use the following methods to stop a renewal:
- ...cancelauth.aspx
By sending a request to this API the renewal will stop. The existing reservation automatically expires, however the amount blocked on the card remains existent.
- ...reverse.aspx
By sending a request to this API the renewal will stop and the existing authorization is reversed. Please keep in mind that not all banks will in fact process the reversal of an authorization. It is possible that the amount remains blocked as mentioned in cancelauth.aspx.
Note: This API call always reverses the last action taken. Please always make sure the last action has been an authorization.
- ...capture.aspx or Capture via batch file
If you are aware that no further captures are necessary for a certain payment you may include an additional value. Depending on which solution you are using it can either include the parameter “finishauth=Y” in a server-to-server connection or “Y” while using the batch file in version 1.4.
Example batch: CC,Capture,Amount,Currency,TransID,RefNr,PayID,Y
- Stop renewal manually
A renewal may be stopped manually by processing a capture with the value 0 within Computop Analytics. The amount remains blocked as mentioned in cancelauth.aspx.
This is an additional feature which needs to be ordered.
- Functionality
The retry will be automatically processed (daily 04:15am) once in case an authorization renewal fails either with „Ablehnung vom Autorisierungssystem (rejected by the authorization system)“or „Verarbeitung z.Zt.nicht möglich (processing not possible at the moment)“. Computop Paygate takes note of these transactions and initiates a second authorization renewal overnight. Please keep in mind that no further action is sent in the meantime, otherwise the retry will not be processed.