What does the error message "No controller provided in the request" mean?

What does the error message "No controller provided in the request" mean?

1. This error message appears if the third-party module blocks the Customweb payment module. The analysis is carried out directly by our partner Customweb.

First make sure that you are using the current version of the payment module. You can download the current version in the Change Log section at https://www.customweb.com/computop/.

If the error message still occurs, please contact info@customweb.com with the following information:

    1. Which shop system are you currently using, and in which version?
    2. Which additional plug-ins are installed in this shop system?
    3. Enter the login data for FTP access, with which Customweb can reach the shop if necessary.
    4. Describe the error in detail, also with screenshots.

  1. This payment method has not yet been activated for your MerchantID. To check this, contact Helpdesk@computop.com
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